
The Gelenk- und Wirbelsäulenzentrum is in quarantine

+++++ URGENT MESSAGE +++++

Dear patients,

unfortunately we were not spared either, closed our practice rooms on Wednesday, January 6th and went into quarantine. The reopening is scheduled for Monday, January 18th.

What does that mean for you?

Since yesterday we have tried to reach all of our patients by phone in order to cancel and postpone the previously planned appointments in the next few days. Unfortunately, we did not succeed with all of our patients, so that one or the other patient of yours maybe finds himself in front of closed practice doors. We would like to apologize for this now, but we are doing our best to continue to contact as many patients as possible by phone.

For this purpose, our phone will be manned from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. until January 15th, so at least we are able to make appointments. The online booking service is of course still available as usual. However, you will not meet anyone in our practice.

What´s next …

As we expect, the quarantine ends in 10 days and we will reopen our practice on Monday, January 18th at 8:00 a.m. and continue your treatments.

We thank you for your kindful understanding and your patience and hope that you are healthy and at least stay healthy at all!

Your TEAM from the Gelenk- und Wirbelsäulenzentrum Potsdam

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